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Remember that time…?

We’re not perfect. Far from it in fact, but we do try every day to ensure loads are delivered un-damaged.

Once we tried to save money by using a different material in our load angles.

At the time it looked like a perfect solution. Lower cost raw material = Higher profits. We were going to coin it.

However we had not done our testing to the usual level and we did not pick up that this new material was a whole lot more brittle than our usual supply.

It didn’t take long for us to find out, before to long at all we were getting calls from some of our longest standing customers saying their angles were breaking. Only at this point we did the product testing we should have done before we committed to the new material and found that its impact strength was way less than the original material we made our product from.

This is were it gets good.

Our breaking issue made us test every material and every angle on the market so we knew exactly what materials were good and what ones were not so good. Through this exercise we found an alternative material that had significantly  higher impact properties which we still use today, Its not as cheap as our wonder material we had found but it does ensure loads will be delivered undamaged and that drivers will get a good life span out of them.

The little lesson we learned: Don’t sacrifice product quality for profits.