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A List of Important Documents to Guide the Transport Industry

A safe, effective and productive national transport industry is marked by organized response to reoccurring situation. Tegral has put together a easy-to-read list of important documents which govern the transport industry.

All freight forwarders & transport companies need to be knowledgeable about certain documents used in the transportation and logistics sector.

The Australian Dangerous Products Code (ADG Code), which offers crucial technical resources to assist Australia’s transport and logistics industry in operating safely when moving dangerous goods, is one of the most crucial documents an operator or a driver must study.

an Internal view of an industrial site

Another document, LOAD RESTRAINT GUIDE, covers the crucial load restraint information you need to get started, including: why you need to restrain your load; your legal obligations; the 10 steps that constitute the key components of a load restraint system, including a checklist you can use to check off each step; and an overview of the various load restraint techniques.

Every Australian has a duty to do their part to maintain the safety of our roads and other transportation systems. The two most crucial document guides for an operator or driver are accessible below.

Australian Dangerous Goods Code

The Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADG Code) is a code of practice for the safe transportation of dangerous goods by land, air and sea. It is administered by the National Transportation Commission. It highlights load segregation, placarding and even the PPE required to have on-hand as a driver. Tegral stocks the necessary PPE as noted in the ADGC, found here:

Load Restraint Guide

The Load Restraint Guide is a document that provides guidance on how to safely restrain loads on vehicles. The guide also provides information about load restraints, the design and use of load restraints, and specifications for different types of vehicles. If you perform or are responsible for any packing, loading or load restraint tasks, you should be familiar with all the information in this module. Tegral stocks a full range of load restraint equipment, the most common being:



Ratchet Straps:

Pallet Angles:

Tegral Transport Equipment has a full range of load restraints to suit every purpose. Contact us today with any enquiries you may have 1300 159 809 or email